Friday, February 24, 2012

5 Thoughts From Today

I think alot.  I don't always think about intelligent things and I try to avoid thinking while doing homework, but I still think alot!  Most of the time, my thoughts are connected... not at all.  They jump from subject to subject in an attempt to lose me (or make me lose my mind) but I always manage to keep up.  So here's some of my most interesting random thoughts.

Random Thought #1:

It's February.  Did you know that?  It's February and this is what I see outside:

Trees are budding and some trees never even lost their leaves during "fall"...

 This tree will have white flowers all over it very soon (and that bench makes me want to sit and read a book!)...

The daffodils are blooming.  The DAFFODILS are blooming...  The daffodils are BLOOMING!

These cute little garden hogs flowers are blooming like crazy all over...

Is it really February, or am I that gullible?  The weather has been in the 70's, much to everyone's delight (and my dismay...  I love winter!).  I'm going to have to retire my sweaters and fur-lined boots incredibly early.  At this point, I'm quite scared for summer.  For those who do not know: I'm made of sugar and the heat simply "caramelizes" me (forget "melting"), I become a hot mess!  I just can't stand the heat, it's one of the main reasons winter is my favorite season.  Enjoy this weather while you can, cause the moment it hits above 80, I'm heading for Alaska (oh, how I wish).

Interesting Thought #2:

I'm in love.  I might just have an affair.  I've found the most amazing partner and I think I'm ready to finally commit... 

Chocolate...  and banana... and orange... and chocolate...  Is there anything better?  I think I'm finally ready to admit this is my favorite recipe.  I feel like I'm betraying all the other desserts I've created and enjoyed, but this little number is all I dream of baking and eating and devouring these days.  Do you see the chocolate?  How it's all melty and gooey?  It stays like that, even when it's not hot, it's still melted and gooey and simply wonderful!  Believe it or not, this is actually a bread, not a cake, but a loaf pan seems too mundane for it, so a bunt pan it is and should always be.  Are you in love yet?  I can share if needed...  Maybe...  Actually, I don't think I can, sorry!

Last Intelligent Thought Ever #3:

I have awesome co-workers.  They always make me laugh and we get along very well.  A job is always an awesome thing when you get to hang out with a friend all day!  I have 3 co-workers, but I only work with 2...  Does that make sense?  P'rolly not, but it'd take too long to explain.  Anyway, to prove the awesomeness of my co-workers, I shall have to show a picture full of personality.  We're re-naming this particular co-worker to "Daffodil".  I forget why, but we had a whole conversation about this and laughed at the end of it.  So, without further ado, Daffodil:

See how much fun we have?  Seriously, you just can't beat how much fun we have at work...  Or outside of work...  Ok, yeah, I admit, I think I have more fun than everyone else does...  Or maybe I just laugh louder, it's a possibility...

I changed my mind and here's another Thought #4:

I just watched a commercial with a little girl in a bikini.  Can I just say I don't appreciate little girls in bikinis...  I don't think it's cute or appropriate.  Little girls are little girls, not teenagers or little adults.  What's wrong with one-piece swimsuits or even tankinis?  Warning to my sister: Though you haven't yet, don't put my nieces in bikinis!  OK, done with the ranting now!

Facts Thought #5:

I've hit the backspace so many dang times in this post
I've spelled "thought" wrong every time I wrote it, including this time
I like the commercials that have funky-beat music
I have a new "friend" I've named Roxanne, but you'll meet her and hear her story another day
I have so many hobbies that I've no time for them, with the exception of eating
I just got home from visiting a dear friend and now the countdown to see my nieces has begun
Countdown till the nieces: 37 days!

1 comment:

  1. Random answers for you!

    First Nick won't even allow his girls to be caught dead in a bikini...and I happen to agree with him, they can wear the stupid things when they live on their own and can pay for them...nope I'm not even going to go there...haha

    Second...crap crap crap...37 days? Already? Where has the time gone?? Wow, crazy. Now I really need to get the girls to the store to buy sleeping bags...

    Third I was thinking (unless you'd rather come with and leave Nick at your house with the girls) - Titanic 3D? It comes out we're up there and I'm dying to see it! Yes, even though I own it!! haha, I mean...3D!!!! So what do you think? Would you rather babysit or spend quality time with your sister?

    I don't even know why I'm asking...I already know which one you're going to =P
