Friday, February 10, 2012

Joy, Time, and Possibly Randomness

I feel as if I have no time to post anything these days!  If I have time to write a blog post, I feel I should be working on my ten-page essay for English instead or do a chapter of Psychology homework or start studying for the next Biology test, even if I just took the last one...  The few times I pulled out the computer to blog, I blanked out...  It's not that I have nothing I'm doing or to talk about, I just keep thinking, "Oh, as soon as I get some pictures, I'll put that post up," or "I can't write about that yet because it'll be so much better after it actually happens." Meaning: I have a trip coming up next week that I'm super excited about, but I want to blog about it with all the juicy details. Also meaning: I have a craft-ie-y-ish post just waiting on pictures of the actual crafts (which I think are SUPER cute). I'm also toying with a post about my nieces cause I can never get enough of them (proud and obsessed Auntie right here) and I think a blog post full of their pictures would make me smile for a week! Oh, AND, I have a clean room... And a re-organized room... And a clean room... And my laundry's done... And a clean room! I know you all don't believe me about my clean room (I like saying that) and I did promise my mom to post the "after" pictures (apparently the "before" were that bad...) so that's on the list as well. I'm finding my biggest problem is time. Time and I are always just missing each other, kind of like Sleep and I are doing... No time, no sleep, but homework and I are becoming... very acquainted.  So now what? How 'bout this:

I love life! I'm not sure how many people are aware of that fact, but I do!  Even when my schedule consists of only work, school, and homework (as many BUSY weeks do!) I still find myself laughing constantly and taking joy in little things.  I have so much to look forward to, I feel it would be easy to rush through today hoping to get to tomorrow faster.  I'm so glad I don't tho.  Joys from today: Laughing with my co-worker over thoroughly silly and random subjects, making and enjoying a new recipe (Lemon Olive Oil Banana Bread with a Lemon/Brown Sugar glaze= SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!), a delicious vegetable lasagna for dinner, a totally unexpected picture and text from dear friend that had me trying not to laugh (dang, Nolly!)...  What am I looking forward to? ALOT!

Besides the upcoming trip (seriously excited!!!!!!!), I feel I have a jam-packed, well, year! I have a Valentine's Day "date", kinda, sorta, ok, not really...  A co-worker and I made plans to go see "The Vow" the Tuesday after it came out, not knowing that would be V-Day.  Neither of us have or anticipate other plans, so we decided to keep our "date", we're even adding lunch to the movie.  Honestly, it's just a "Girl's Day Out" to us, so it'll be alot of fun.  For Spring Break, my older sister and brother-in-law and NIECES are coming up to stay for the week.  I'm quite excited, ecstatic, happy, delirious with joy over having family come to visit me for a week!  In June, I get to go see "Wicked" again with The Ginger (our Christmas/birthday gifts to each other).  In July, I'm going to San Francisco with Ramen Girl to go see "Les Miserable" (my first time seeing it, happiness!).  I get my nieces for two weeks this summer (both this time).  I apply for PTA programs in March and get responses in May.  If I get accepted, I start the program in August.  The most exciting thing to look forward to?  Drum roll please: In September, I become an Aunty for the third time!  :-D I think being an Aunty is the perfect job for me, I love being the crazy, eccentric Aunty and I adore my nieces (and possibly nephew?) sooooooo much!!!!

My goodness!  See why it's important to remember to enjoy today with so many wonderful things to look forward to?  And now I think I see why I have a hard time FINDING time!

1 comment:

  1. Make sure the world knows that I'm not the one making you an Auntie again...haha
