Some days I feel like I'm playing at being an adult. This morning after work I stopped to buy a gallon of milk and after balancing it on my knee while opening my apartment door, I got a goofy grin because I love where I live (and apparently am still in the honeymoon phase). I made cheese for a particular recipe for dinner and GEEKED out that I had actually done it (no joke, I kept poking it to be sure that's what it actually was). I got to play with my food since I'm out of cereal and decided to make purple oatmeal with yogurt. I have all these wonderful clothes that I love and putting them on is like playing dress up every time. I chat on Facebook with a friend and we make up some completely random story about a frog for no other reason than we can and we're
losers cool like that.
Then there's those moments when reality hits and it's not playing grown-up anymore, but finances and responsibilities and your debit card being rejected at 10:37 pm when you're trying to get gas so you can make it to work on time instead of sitting on the side of the road waiting for AAA to bring you a couple gallons that they will charge you $9.58999999/gal for... That's never happened to you, right? Yeah, me neither... But
it actually did pretend it did happen, so on your ten minute break, instead of snoozing (like every other human on the planet does at 1:50 am), you get on your smart phone (playing grown up or grown up bill...?) and check your bank account
telling yourself not to freak cause you just got paid and even tho you neglected to write out a budget this month you're positive you couldn't have blown the whole thing already to see what happened. What would you find? An overdraft? (nope) You're identity was stolen (along with your money)? (uh-uh) Money still there so that gas station is just
retarded tripping? (well, yeah) Five or six holds on your account, two of them being for $0.00... Wait, what? How do you get a hold for $0.00? Seriously, someone help me figure this one out (cause it's Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday and my bank's closed).
So, ok, whatevs... Life will go on- until tomorrow when I'll call my bank. There's two more days of work left in my "work week" and then I get to be the awesome kind of grownup- the auntie kind. Until then, I guess I'll just keep at this playing at being/actually being a grown up thing. It's definitely keeping life interesting by throwing me for a loop
every darn dangum day often.
Cause they're cute, funny, not paying attention and all over the place- like my life- except the cute part, unless I'm wearing make-up, which I'm not... Ok, bye now. |
that is what it always seems like to me too I am playing at being grown up. Sorry that your bank is dumb :(