You see, having only been in contact with people on the job these last 96 hours, I think I went a little... crazy...? Added to that is the fact that I have not actually been home since Thursday, July 22nd, I hope you can now see why I might've lost a bit more than usual of my mind. It's been a crazy (almost) two weeks and as much as I'd like to say I can't wait for it to finally slow down, it will only get even more insane when I start school in three weeks! Aish (my favorite sound of frustration :-D ).
So the first thing Melissa receives upon entering our apartment is a demand to take me to go pick up the pizza! After picking up the pizza and grabbing a couple slices (why wait till you get home?) we decided to nix the planned movie at the theater and spend a night vegging at home. She had this anime she wanted to pick up from FRY's electronics, so off we go again, still munching pizza. Before we even got to the freeway, I exclaimed with such fervent passion, "I need milk!!!!" (Odd as you may think it, I love milk with my pizza.) She immediately bursts into laughter then explains that it's too late. Being in the wonderful, acquiescing mood I was in, I continue with, "No, turn here, there's a Save-Mart on the corner of Auburn, I can get milk there!" She laughs, again, and follows my directions (still eating, you guessed it, pizza).
Having left the pizza box in the car (shock!) and acquiring my milk and a soda for Melissa, I decide we should completely gorge during our vegging night. My weapon of choice? Melon... LOL, three melons- a watermelon, a cantaloupe and an orange-fleshed honey dew, and I had full intentions to eat (almost) all of it. I don't remember when fruit was considered pigging out, but I think the amount of which I chose had something to do with my justification that my melons could hold up in a gorge-fest just as well as candy or ice cream or cookies! Satisfied that I didn't want anything else from the store (at the moment) I paid for our stuff and back to our pizza box, I mean car we went. I opened my (half-gallon) of milk and proceed to drink it straight from the jug. *Now for those looking at my bad manners, I had full intentions of doing this when I bought it, and I refuse to pay $1.89 for a pint of milk when I can get a half-gallon for the same price! So there! :-P *
Melissa pulls out of our parking space, I'm still chugging. "Brake check!" Sudden stop. Milk UP my nose, on my shirt and on the pizza box (holding fort on my lap), courtesy of Melissa Diane Munoz... Now the whole world knows, it's her fault! LOL Man, she was laughing so hard! I looked in her visor mirror and had to laugh myself. The bottom half of my face had a 2% milk facial, and there was nothing in her car to clean it up with... I pondered aloud why my friends thought that I was a good specimen for their practical jokes... The reason we concluded is that I'll still be friends with the pranksters even after they completely ruin whatever moment I'm in... Oh well, it was seriously funny. I should've taken a picture, but I'm not that desperate for embarrassing proof of my end of the jokes.
We walk around FRY's with the computer geeks and get home just so I could flop on my couch (she has her couches, and I have mine... Meaning we have three couches in our apartment!). I'm sure we were home to accomplish the whole vegging thing, but I didn't want to put the effort into putting in a movie or getting more food, so the couch it was! I realize that to eat my melons I needed tools! So my good of a friend followed my instructions to, "Get me a knife, melon baller and a cutting board!" Melissa, "That didn't sound like a command at all." Me, "Oh! Please! There. Thank you!" Yeah... Looking back I think I can see why she wants to "milk" me sometimes... Sigh, alas, I couldn't finish my melons... Not even one actually, but I impressed myself with eating a whole half of one by myself! :-)
So after vegging for a bit more I realize it's not dark yet and we have time to go for a walk! Poor Melissa is again told to get ready, and even tho there's a bit more complaining she's still a good sport! I grab my camera thinking I'd snap a few pics along the way as I'm always admiring how pretty God's creation is. I thought I'd be able to do this because in our past walks I've always out walked Melissa by quite a bit... Come to find it must've been because of her bad shoes (she borrowed my running shoes tonight)... I have rather short legs, especially in comparison to her (5'5" vs 5'9" here) She kept going and going and going (I didn't even see a pink bunny...?) I was trying to get pics while also trying to keep up with her long stride... Rather amusing outcomes if you ask me! I eventually ended up running ahead to take a pic or taking one and then running to catch up... Well, I did say I wanted to start running... LOL Some of the pics I took while running are quite... interesting. It made me think of "Yes Man" when Zoey Deschanel leads that group that runs and takes pictures... It's EXACTLY what I did! :-P
Walking and taking a picture...
And dido again... (I really like this!)
Melissa liked this rose, I stopped for this pic (No Way!!! :-P)
Another pretty flower!
I think I like roses...
LOL, I WAS running while this was taken
The sunset from our apartments...
All in all, a very good evening, and for as demanding as I was, Melissa said she thinks she was able to laugh at my antics more than I was able to boss her around. Sometimes my mouth just won't stop... I babbled WAY more than once tonight... So I 'll stop here before YOU have to put up with it. :-D