Saturday, June 12, 2010

Some like it Hot, Some like it Cold, I HATE the Wind...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Text message from work: Can you work 8-7 next week?
Me: every day?
Them: m-f [June 7-11, 2010]
Me: ok

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A client: Do you have brothers or sisters?
Me: Yes! Two sisters and a brother
Client: Older or younger?
Me: One older sister, one younger brother and a younger sister
Client: How old are they?
Me: Steph's 24, Mike's 20, and Jenni's 18, she's a senior this year
Client: Oh! When's her graduation? Will you be able to go?
Me: It's this Thursday [June 10, 2010] and since she lives in Palm Springs [CA] I'll have to drive down there and back...

SUDDEN Realization: I agreed to work on my sister's graduation!

And that was the beginning of my crazy trip that took all of 18 hours of driving (I only drove 12 of those hours) and the whole "she-bang" was barely 48 hours long (including sleep)! LOL

I'm blessed that my work was willing to cover two days for me so I could go! If you think I'm crazy for taking only two days off to travel 10 hours worth of distance each way just for a graduation, you don't know me very well! Last year, I made about 6 trips back and forth to Tehachapi from Sacramento and each was approximately 24-36 hours long, including driving. I even managed to get in some rehearsal dinners and being a bridesmaid twice in those short trips! This is SOO not new for me, I'm actually beginning to believe I might be the queen of short trips. :-D But back to this trip!

I arrived in Tehachapi on Wednesday at quarter to 1, yes, in the morning... What time did I leave? Well... *whispers* 8pm... NO!!! I'm not that crazy of a driver (despite what some might say, and that was FIVE years ago!) and I didn't speed... much... Anyway! My mom forgot to leave the garage door unlocked so I could get in and I was freezing! I didn't bring any sort of sleevage with me, but come on, it's JUNE!! Somebody needs to tell that to Tehachapi. I called her phone, knowing I'd have to wake her up, but figuring that was the better option than becoming a popsicle. Now, her blinds to her kitchen are open, and I see her coming thru to look for her ringing phone. Thinking I'd save her the trouble, I knocked on the window, and apparently scared ten years off her life. LOL, Sorry Mom, but it was funny! Get to bed only to have to wake up five hours later... Sigh... On the road AGAIN we go, but this time I got to be a passenger! Yipee!

Nothing of blog-worthy occurances happen on the drive, so we'll skip ahead to our arrival in Palm Springs. We left pretty early so my mom could go with my sister to her Dr.'s appointment. Ashley (little sister's best friend and just like my little sister as well) and I watched my niece Lizzy while my mom and Steph go into the appointment. I have to admit, I'm feeling OLD! I used to babysit mulitple kids all the time and was a full-time nanny of a two year old boy and four year old girl, but I don't ever remember feeling so exhausted watching any of them... My hope is that I'm not old, my niece just has the MOST energy any two-and-a-half year old could ever possibly have... (I'm wondering if there's another two-and-a-half year old out there somewhere that's incredibly calm because my niece has her share of energy) We were running outside aound the Dr.'s offices (sorry to everyone who heard us!) and making noises and squeals, Lizzie was trying to head for the stairs every moment she could or she'd stop by her mom's Dr.'s door and knock then try to get in. If we let her back in, she'd pull all the pillows off chairs and couches and throw them on the floor, climb over them and say "Good girl!" LOL It was really cute, just hard to keep up with! At one point, we went into the elevator and didn't push any buttons, hoping to just keep her in a confined space for a little bit. We showed her how to jump in it (much to her mom's dismay) and we danced around... There must've been a moment where we didn't see her reaching for the buttons, because next thing we know, the elevator alarm was going off... Yes, Lizzie pushed the alarm button... We got out of there REAL quick and went back to the Dr.'s office, just in time to see my mom and sister come out of the examination room.

Mom: "We have to go to the hospital"
Me: "Now?"
Mom: "Yes."
Me: (hesitantly) "Why?"
Mom: "They want to monitor Steph's blood pressure... Looks like we might have a baby soon."
Me & Ashley: "What about Jenni's graduation?"
Me: "Should I call Dad to have him pick us up?"

This dialoging went on for a bit, and we were all worried about both... Jenni's graduation being unattended and Steph being by herself in the hospital if we went... So, ANOTHER round of Ashley and I watching Lizzie while Mom and Steph went to the Maternity Ward and we waited for my dad and lil' sis to arrive.

"E-I-E-I-E-I-E-I-E-I-E-I-E-I-E" was SO loud everyone in the hospital cafeteria was looking at us! Honestly, we had just been trying to entertain her without letting her run all over. We didn't think they'd appreciate us letting her loose right there. We'd tried food, juice, a plastic spoon (thank goodness she can't wield it right or I'd be missing an eye!), and nursery songs, which worked! Until she started singing along, but only the same two letters over and over and over and over again! Out to the couryard we went... And the moment we got out, she stopped singing. The little... darling! Instead, she went up to every single person out there to say "Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!" until she was brought back to where we were. She has to be the cutest little mischief maker ever!

Finally we were rescued, I mean my dad arrived and we went with him, all over town. To pick up my brother, to get stuff left behind from my sister's apartment, to the grocery store, etc... My mom actually beat us to his house and Jenni and I still had to get ready for her graduation. We got the news that my sister could be released from the hospital which relieved us all and she was able to come with us. I don't think it was the nice relaxed family get together my dad had been hoping it'd be, but all worked out well and everyone made it out the door on time and with no casualties.

Now, again, thinking logically about the weather to choose my clothing before leaving Sacramento, I had brought all of three things to wear: the tank top and jeans I was traveling in, and two dresses, one strapless, the other sleeveless. Assuming since I was in the desert, the black cover up I had would be more of a nuisence than anything else, so I slathered on sunscreen and left the cover up at my dad's...

It... was... so... WINDY!!! and... COLD!!!! My brother jokingly said something about doing Marilynn Monroe impressions, it was so windy... I think he jinxed me! I had to hold my dress the whole time! Walking, standing still, sitting, didn't matter! I got so cold that I went through my niece's diaper bag, found her flannel sleeper and draped it over on arm while smashing the other one against my brother's side. The whole trip I kept wondering why these particular cities and towns had not been informed that it's summer, winter's over...

My sister looked beautiful walking across the stage with grad gown flapping and cap threatening abandonment and I was SOOO proud of her! I even got Lizzie to yell, "Go Aunt Jenni!" :-D After the ceremony, she went off to Grad Night and my mom took the niece and other sister home while she and Ashley went off to their hotel and I traveled again to my dad's abode. We had to stop at Walgreen's on the way back to pick up my grandma's prescriptions and I decided while my dad was doing that, I should get some chocolate sauce and ice cream. While in the store I was incredible tempted by the sight of graham crackers, marshmallows and hershey's bars... Yes, those were included in my purchase! Out the door I walk, bags and purse in hand, only to have the wind greet me so that my other hand must be occupied by taming my dress... The problem with this was there wasn't any available hands to open the car door. Taking a chance, I let go of my dress, grab the door's handle and pull... and pull... and pull... WHOOSH! There goes my dress... Sigh... I manage to slide my body between the door and seat, but couldn't climb up as i was busy fighting the door, the wind, the bags, and my dress... You should've heard the laughter going on at my expense! Finally situated, my dad comes back with no idea that I even went in, so while I thought the whole world knew of my mortification, apparently it was only the other four bodies in the car.

At home and safely in a pair of my little sister's PJ pants, I make microwave smores for everyone and then proceed to make the biggest mess eating them! I had chocolate coating my teeth, on my mouth, dripping down my chin and stringing between my fingers! Mmmmm, it was good! They managed to snap a picture, but hopefully none of you will get to see it! "Alice in Wonderland" was put on the TV in Jenni's room and I fell asleep before Alice even went "around the bend"! LOL

Back to Tehachapi my mom, Ashley, Lizzie (who's staying with my mom till Steph has the baby) and I traverse. From there it's back to Sacramento for me and to my wonderful bed!! Oh, how I love my bed!!

I love seeing my family, and I was thrilled to see so many of them this time, but I have to tell, you, one of these days, I hope they visit me instead! :-D

1 comment:

  1. haha... you got to love my energized little 2-year old!! she does keep live fun and new!! But I am glad you got a chance to visit all of us... maybe someday when money is different we can return the favor!!
