LOL I went and bought more of this groups CD's and when their final one came out I was so sad! Even sadder, in his "thank you's" he mentioned a girl's name and then said something along the lines of *I smile a special smile* and my crush deflated. I can't and won't "like" a guy who isn't available, regardless if I've even met him or not. Years pass to now and I still listen to those CD's often, I love the lyrics and harmonies and just the whole feeling of worship when I listen. Every now and then I wonder if he ever got married to his girl and that's that, nothing more...
Today, searching for a certain song that I have to play for and having never heard it before, I was on YouTube and just had a weird curiosity to see if this group ever made any music videos. So I typed their name in and the first song I clicked on had the MySpace addresses for this brother and sister duet... Yes, I totally went to his MySpace, come on, I was like SO curious! More so because I found out he's gone solo since then and I had no idea AND he's written for and produced some songs for some of my (current) favorite bands (Tenth Avenue North and Brandon Heath). I had no idea that he'd been so busy!
Yes, he's married and has a little girl. Good thing I gave up that "crush", huh? The reason I've been sharing all this is because I really liked two songs in particular of this group, probably because they're so close to my heart in it's contents. While I was looking over some of their stuff I remembered them and how at one point I had claimed them as mine.
Song #1 Lyrics:
I don't know if you're near or far away
But I know that I'm thinking of you today
I don't know if I even know your name
But I know that I'm praying for you just the same
Someday we'll fall in love
You'll be mine and I will be yours
Our hearts will be one
And our love will ever endure
Then I'll need you, and I'll want you
And I'll find you someday
Then I'll love you, then I'll hold you
And I'll be with you always
Our love will be so strong and pure
You will make me feel like I have never felt before
You will be perfect only for me
You will make these eyes begin to see
Someday we'll fall in love
You'll be mine and I will be yours
Our hearts will be one
And our love will ever endure
Your faith for the Lord will be strong
Even though I know the wait is long
And though I'm young I still belive
That you're out there praying for me
Song #2 Lyrics:
What have we done?
We have lessened our thoughts on love
Some say, there is as many as three
But I believe that there's one for me
One for me
If God could make the stars in the sky
Then why can't He make a perfect"you and I"?
And we shouldn't even have to try
Or compromise in our lives
And it will feel like summertime
When I'm by your side, my skies are blue
And I will this every time
Like oceans wide, my love for you
My love for you
I believe in the soulmate kind of dreams
Where even in the trials we'll say it's all worthwhile
And in our lives there's an
Orchestra of things
Both major and minor keys,
butLove will always sing
And through time, our hearts
Will melt and mold together
You know, despite what people say
I'll hold to the promise of that day forever.
I'm a leader for young girls at my church's youth group. They're a GREAT bunch of girls, but they think my view on relationships and romance is weird and beyond old fashioned. I find their comments amusing, but I know God has something wonderful in store for me and I honestly don't want to ruin it. For all I know, I may not have an earthly romance, but my romance with Him will be a life-long journey. I decided when I was thirteen that I didn't want to kiss a man who wouldn't be my husband, and the only way for sure to do that is to wait till you're married, so if I ever get married, that will be my first kiss. I also don't want to have so many relationships that I end up with less than a whole heart to give, so I will not date, and I'm trusting God to bring to me the only man He intends me to be with. The girls laugh the most at this one, they want to know how it's even possible. My reply is God's the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The God who brought Rebeca to Isaac can also bring someone to Nicole, I know! LOL
Anyway, the sister in this group recently wrote another song and it's beautiful... It's a continuation of a love story, one that hasn't ended, is still going, is better than the wait, than the start, and it keeps getting better! Here are those lyrics:
When we first met
When we first kissed
When only dreams had felt like this
Surprised by how I let you in
Boy meets girl it all begins
To say that things were different then
Makes it sound like it’s the end
Love it grows up
It gets old
And it gets better
Time will have it’s way
But these Hearts will age together
I’m determined to let go of
Everything I thought it was
For something stronger
Something deeper
(Something richer, Something sweeter)
For love grown up
I know each line
I love your face
It takes me to my favorite place
Your easy smile
Your tattooed skin
They comfort me & draw me in
You know that I’m completely yours
No matter what the future has in store
The memories
Like the colors in these photographs are fading
But you and I are holding on to all that grace has given us today
For something stronger
For something deeper
It can be a challenge sometimes to still wait, to keep giving my dream of a beautiful earthly romance to Christ, but I don't want to settle for anything less, ever! The days that I yearn for companionship, I've learned to cry out to my Maker. The nights when I want to be held, I'm rocked to sleep in the arms of my Comforter. Those moments when I need to be cherished, my Savior reminds me of His scars. Yes, if ever I fall in love, it will have been well worth the wait!
lol... you and your weird romancing ways... but everyne i different, and maybe yu will find someone, or maybe you'll just adopt 6 third-world country kids like you've always wanted to do!!